Thursday 20 September 2012

Spring in my step

Wow, Spring is here in full force in my neck of the woods. The weather has been gloriously warm & we have had a couple of afternoon thunderstorms to quench the thirst of our garden & really get the flowers blooming.
Our garden has been established for seven or more years now with many plants growing wild providing me with a contrast supply of beautiful blooms to brighten our home. Look at this bunch I plucked a few minutes ago. Preeeeetty!
Lucky I have flowers to tart up the house as you can see we are living on a virtual building site. Sure it is getting closer to being finished but oh how I'd love things to be a little less chaotic around here. It will be so fantastic to have the extra space when it is all done.
Today Betty Bernina & I have been sewing up a storm creating a bevvie of beautiful Springy themed skirts perfect for frolicking in your hood, where ever that may be??
I hope you are enjoying the change of seasons & the little rituals we partake in according.

1 comment:

polkadotpeticoat said...

I'm so sorry how did I miss your last 3 posts....just catching up with have Spring and I'm going into winter...want to trade?